sore throat

Natural remedies for treatment of sore throat

When you have a sore throat, a dry throat can make it difficult…
breast cancer treatment

Prevention and Treatment of breast cancer in traditional medicine

One of the most common cancers in the world, is breast cancer.…
flixweed seeds

Flixweed seeds benefits in traditional medicine

Flixweed seeds Flixweed seeds are kind of plant which grows in…

Natural remedies for depression and anxiety in traditional medicine

Depression and anxiety Depression and anxiety which are among…
hair fall teartment

Treatment of hair fall in traditional medicine

Hair fall which is also known as alopecia is a common problem…
Osteoporosis treatment

Osteoporosis treatment with oleaster

Osteoporosis is a disease that can effect anyone in any age,…
frankincense benefits

Benefits of Frankincense, and its effect on Covid-19

Frankincense Frankincense tea is used for treating shortness…
Chaste berry

Natural remedies for early menopause by traditional medicine specialists

Dr. Ozmai Prescription for  Premature Menopause Early menopause…
constipation treatment

Natural remedies for constipation in adults and children in traditional medicine

Treatment of constipation according to Dr. Kheirandish   Dr.…