
Miracle of Spices, Benefits and temperament of spices

Benefits, harms and temperaments of spices in traditional medicine Different…

Amazing Benefits of Oleaster

Benefits of Oleaster   Oleaster (senjed) which is also…
corona syrup

Treatment of Corona Virus, The most efficient syrup recommended by Dr. Taleghani Research group based on traditional medicine

An efficient syrup for treatment of corona virus by Dr. Taleghani(Ghadir…
meats benefits

Benefit of Meats and their temperaments in traditional medicine

Different types of meat and their temperaments Different kinds…

Oat Benefits, Oat vs Wheat

Oats Oats which are also known as Avena sativa are kind of cereal…

Benefits and temperaments of fruits and vegetables

Benefits and temperaments of fruits and vegetables One of the…

Natural remedies for diabetes treatment in traditional medicine

Herbal remedies for diabetes; prescription of Dr. Kheir Andish Before…
fruits benefits

Benefits and temperament of fruits and vegetables

Benefits and temperament of fruits and vegetables   All…
Parkinson herbal tea

Natural remedies for Parkinson patients

Some of the Natural Remedies for Parkinson patients Dairy…

Benefits of purslane

Purslane Purslane is a kind of weed which can be found in the…