
Natural remedies for depression and anxiety in traditional medicine

Depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety which are among common mental disorders can occur at the same time or individually. Depression is a kind of mood disorder that can be described as feelings of loss, anger and sadness which can interfere with patient’s every day activities. Anxiety is feelings of uneasiness, fear and also dread that can cause patients feel restless. Each of these disorders has their own causes, but they may have similar symptoms and treatment. Here are some of the best traditional medicines that can treat depression and anxiety in the best way possible.Before taking medicinal plants consult with your physician . Also don’t forget to share this amazing and valuable information with your friends and family members.


  • Saffron

According to some researches done by traditional medicine, saffron is considered as one of the best natural ingredients for treating depression. Saffron is rich in many wonderful antioxidant compounds such as crocin and crocetin that can boost mood and fight against depression. Also it’s important to know that using saffron can inhibit serotonin reuptake. Drinking saffron tea can treat related symptoms of depression in short period of time and for that add some saffron to the boiling water and brew it for about 5 minutes. Then strain it. You can add lemon or ginger if you want and then drink it. As  mentioned before Saffron shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy.


  • Lavender

Lavender is another great herb which has been used for thousands of years for treating depression and anxiety. This amazing herb can be used topically as lavender essential oil or it can be used as lavender tea. Both of these uses can reduce anxiety symptoms and improve sleep in people who are suffering from depression and anxiety.


  • Honey

Being rich in anxiolytic properties such as gallic acid and chrysin, honey can be very effective for people who are suffering from severe anxiety and depression. For reliving from anxiety add honey as a natural sweetener instead of regular sugar to tea or other food and see its amazing results in short period of time.


  • Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea which is one of the most popular teas used for treating anxiety. According to some recent researches done in traditional medicine, chamomile tea is given to some people suffering from anxiety disorders and after some time it showed great reduction of GAD symptoms in patients.

  • Green tea

Green tea contains good amount of L-Theanine which is a kind of amino acid that can reduce anxiety level in people. Also some studies showed that drinking green tea once or twice a day can increase serotonin and also dopamine levels which can reduce symptoms of depression too.


  • Oxtongue

Oxtongue is one of the oldest herbs which can be very helpful for treating anxiety and depression. Dried oxtongue herbal tea can be used for boost mood, reducing anxiety levels, treating depression and also solving sleep problems. This herbal tea is so common among Iranians.Oxtongue can cause high blood pressure and shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy.


  • Pomegranate

According to some resources, pomegranate can effectively reduce the stress hormone (cortisol) level in people and make them calm and relaxed. Patients who have anxiety should put pomegranate juice in their everyday diet.


  • Valerian

With its mild and calming effect, valerian can reduce anxiety all of its related symptoms. For making valerian root tea, you should soak 3 grams of valerian root in a cup of boiled water for about 15 minutes and drink it before sleep. This herbal tea can make people feel relaxed and solve their sleep problems related to anxiety and depression.This herbal tea shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy.


  • Lemon balm

Lemon balm has been used for many years for treating anxiety symptoms such as excitability and nervousness in people. People can take 300 mg of it tree times per day and see its healing effects on reducing anxiety in short period of time.

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