About Me

I work as a blogger and I pursue better health solutions and healthier lifestyle through natural remedies , traditional medicine   & specifically eastern traditional prescriptions.

A Reference for Eastern Natural Remedies

kheir andish treatment

Prescription of DR.Kheir Andish for treatment and prevention of Corona Virus.

Prescription of DR.Kheir Andish for treatment of Corona Virus.   …
infertility treatment

Infertility treatment in traditional medicine, Dr. Kheir Andish prescription

Infertility Infertility can be defined as a disease in which…
yoga and meditation

Yoga and Meditation for a Healthy Lifestyle

Yoga and Meditation For achieving healthy and balanced lifestyle,…

Autism treatment(reducing symptoms) in traditional medicine

Autism Autism Which is also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder…
depression treatment

Iranian traditional medicine in treatment of depression and anxiety-Natural remedies of Dr. Kheir Andish

Depression and anxiety Depression is one of the most serious…